Are you all in? All in to what God has for you in your life? All in to this church, all in with your relationship with God, all in to the services we have here at Oceans?
1 Peter 2:21
For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered[a] for you. He is your example, and you must follow in his steps.
ALL IN Definition: “Being all in means completely committed to or very much in favor of something”
I’m talking about going all in first with your relationship with God, then that will reflect here at church. We can’t expect to grow and be all in with our DAWG 1 day a week.
1) Being all in is about turning your focus back to God when hard times come.
When hard times come who will you turn to?
When you have those moments of doubt who will you believe?
When you have moments of fear who will you turn to?
When you have moments of temptation who will you turn to?
James 1:12
12 Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.
2) Being all in is about turning to God when you feel complacent
When it’s another Sunday service, when it’s another sermon, when it’s we went last week we can miss this one. That’s when we’re complacent
Being all in defeats complacency, it brings vision and purpose.
ALL IN: Story of Job.
Go back to James 1:12. This is the defining moment for job. Not the loss of his whole family, not the pain, not the sorrow, not the friends turning their back on him. What defined him wasn’t the rewards at the end either. What defined him was that we stood the test, he was persevering under the trial. Even though he cracked, even though he wasn’t perfect in this time. He knew where to turn.
3) Action
What about you? Are you willing to go all in? Are we willing to go all in. When the storms of life are coming at you. No matter the storms, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. When you’re cracking like Job will you switch your focus to God and go all in?
This week I challenge all of us to be all in. Choose to believe, choose to be all in.
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