- For unto us a child is born – speaks of the humanity of Jesus
- For unto us a Son is given – speaks of the deity of Jesus
- The government shall be upon His shoulder – speaks of the sovereignty of Jesus
- His sovereign rule as King whose Kingdom has no end!
- His kingdom starts within you, the moment you crown Him King of your heart.
- You crown Him King by believing in His humanity, His deity, and His sovereignty
- You crown Him King by confessing with your mouth this very important question: WHO IS JESUS TO YOU?
And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace There will be no end, Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, To order it and establish it with judgment and justice From that time forward, even forever. (Isaiah 9:6-7)
- Isaiah here takes the Christmas Story beyond Joseph, beyond Mary, beyond the wise men.
- Isaiah here takes it even beyond the cross, the grave and into an everlasting Kingdom.
- Isaiah is calling out the people to answer this question: WHO IS GOD TO YOU?
- In Ancient Israel, the title of Counselor was given to a Wise King who has the wisdom to guide his people.
- During this time in the history of Israel not only did the people turned their backs on God, they would seek counsel from the enemy. They would seek counsel from mediums, witchcraft and sorcery- Isaiah 8:19
- Isaiah was pleading with his people to turn back to God and recognize Him as The Wonderful Counselor
- Only Jesus can hold that title of WONDERFUL COUNSELOR
- He wants you to approach Him in such a way knowing that you can trust Him with your problems, your disappointments, your failures and also trust in His guidance.
- Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJ)
- In the Hebrew language Mighty God is not the same as Almighty God. That would be El Shaddai.
- Here Mighty God carries a different meaning, an uncommon title – EL GIBOR
- EL is the singular form of the word ELOHIM for God
- The word GIBOR here describes strength from a military point of view. Military power.
- EL GIBOR in proper context here, is the title that God holds when He goes to battle.
- When He says sit back, be still and know that I am God (El Gibor)
- When He says sit back, this battle is not yours but mine (El Gibor)
- The historical backdrop of this chapter here in Isaiah is very important. It is a conversation between Prophet Isaiah and King Ahaz concerning the military threat of Assyria.
- Because of fear, King Ahaz secretly made a pack with another enemy, Syria, at the expense of the morality of his nation.
- Because of fear, the King forgot about God
- This situation here is not too far-fetched even concerning our nation. Over the years, we have made packs with the enemy at the expense of the morality of our nation.
- Isaiah here is pleading with the King to reconsider and choose God (EL GIBOR)
- Only Jesus can hold that title of MIGHTY GOD (EL GIBOR)
- In ancient times, many rulers like Kings were given the title of “Father of The Nation”. Part of their responsibilities was to protect the people and to provide for the people.
- Here Isaiah is challenging the King to basically surrender that title to God and recognize Him as EVERLASTING FATHER
- Isaiah here is expressing the Fatherly care of the Messiah
- Does calling Jesus Everlasting Father contradict the Holy Trinity?
- The simple answer is NO! Rather it expresses the unity of Christ with The Father.
- In John 14:6, 9, Jesus said: “No one comes to the Fatherexcept through Me.” “He who has seen Me has seen the Father”
- Only Jesus can hold that title of EVERLASTING FATHER
- Isaiah brings another title for our Messiah: Prince of Peace
- In Hebrew the word peace is shalom: calm, tranquility, well-being, prosperity
- In Greek the word peace is eirene: unity and accord
- Isaiah is using this title of Prince of Peace to describe the Messiah’ reign in your life: calm, tranquility, well-being, unity and accord!
- Only Jesus can hold that title of PRINCE OF PEACE
- 27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27 NKJ)
- There’s a level of peace that meets you in the middle of the storm- His Tranquility
- There’s a level of peace that meets you in the middle of lack- His Provision
- There’s a level of peace that meets you in the middle of chaos – His Rest
- Matthew 16: 13-20 where Jesus asked His disciples: “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?”14 So they said, “Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”
- You see, it is one thing to talk about Jesus based on what others are saying.
- In other words, you cannot base your relationship with Jesus based on someone else’s experience.
- 15 He said to them, “BUT WHO DO YOU SAY THAT I AM?”
- What is the Holy Spirit saying to you through this message?
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